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there's always one somewhere(3 total)

Argentina concedes itself to Great Britain

For all of us who tire of the constant posturing and moaning from Buenos Aries over some rocks and sheep, a solution has been agreed between the two countries. Argentina will become the fifth contituent member of the United Kingdom, in what has been hailed as a triumph for post-Brexit trade negotiations.

Many Argentinian citizens were initially dismayed, but then became relieved when they realised they were now subjects of a government slightly less comically corrupt than their own. A large troupe of retired baby boomers from the Northern English counties are already said to have emigrated and formed an Anglo holiday enclave, thus realising the successful colonisation strategy trialed in Spain.

ebay war

ebay, i want it my way

There was a war fought on eBay.
Many died. Alas. We will remember them always. We will leave them feedback that shines to eternity. May many green plusses rain down and honour their descendents.

new war story

another war happened somewhere, very bad, much tragedy, people were die.