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machines are sometimes cool(2 total)

eBay restores old logo and launches onine dating site

Popular auction site eBay has listened to user demand. Finally, the same technology that facilitates sale of undesired items will be applied to the plight of loveless, undesired people! It will now be possible for singles and recently divorced to create profile pages in the same manner as eBay auction pages. As many as twenty photographs of the prospective lover may be uploaded (image filtering and touch-up of facial features included!) and an extensive description extoling your personal qualities may be written.

Bidding will commence with contact detials going to the highest bidder. As for what the famous eBay feedback forum may do for post-date reviews, use your imagination.

To celebrate this gaudy new endeavour, the former whimsically-styled eBay logo shall also be restored to the site. 100% of surveyed users hated the new one and have finally been heard. Never doubt the power of pester.

Microsoft agrees to open source the Windows codebase

The collected essays of Richard Stallman are said to have swayed Redmond's C-suite. This prompted much soul-searching over at the Microsoft HQ and the codebase was released to the public eye, following the recent example of Twitter.

GNOME 3 users are eagerly awaiting a port of Windows Explorer to Linux, it is also reported. This means they will finally experience a UI that has better coherency than they've ever known before!