Bland blog

I've never had an original thought.

:: home :: life :: opinions :: reviews ::

Snapshots of the everyday.(2 total)

Hullo Warld!

Posted on 07/05/2022 by thran

A new blog has emerged among the noisy depths of the Internet.
WELCOME! You'd better enjoy it.
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new life story

Posted on 02/02/2021 by jummy

a boat that came up later in the story
greetings all, this is a new life story
one day I woke up and went to shave myself, but I was stalled in this task. the reason being I couldn't locate my shaving foam. also, big point that will matter later, I did not check for adequate spare shaving blades. anyhow this begins a big story.

the big story

I went into my car and made for the nearest known supplier of shaving foam. it was 8.37am and I skipped breakfast. there was more to the story but this is just placeholder text lorem ipsom dolor sit amet sit